AMVIV Information Packet - Print to take with you!

AMVIV (A MINI Vacation in Vegas)  is coming up next week.  

SCMC has posted their information packet.  If you want to have the routes and other information in a hard-copy, you must print it to take with you.  They will only have limited copies of run maps available at AMVIV.  

Get your today at:
Also, I'd like for those attending to try using GroupME as a way to keep in touch with each other before, during and after the event. It can be found on Google Play and the APP Store.

As I learned during MTTS 2016, it was hard to keep everyone abreast of changes, meeting places, etc. Plus I got FB messages, emails and text messages from people. We had a good group text going, but it didn't include those who joined later in the trek across the US. So, those people missed out on some of our conversations. 

I'd really like to see how well GroupMe might work.

You don't need a smartphone to use GroupMe either - you can be added to the group to receive & send messages. (Handles another issue we had during MTTS2016 as one of our coast-to-coasters didn't have a smartphone).

I created the group:

Only if you are going, use the following link to join.

I'm going to lurk to see how it's used. You can add photos, videos, docuements, and share your location if you want to do so. 

Again, if you are going, please give it a try. Join now, I added Bayley Mah's file to it for the meeting place in Salines and route to casino. Bayley also added the AMVIV information booklet to the group.

For those of you who are going - Have fun and Motor On!
Christine Toibin
President NorCal MINIs


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