Recap - Annual Meeting and Santa Cruz Run - September 8, 2018

Run Leaders

Tina and Steve Sandke


Early on the morning of September 8, about 50 NorCal Minis members met at a Starbucks in Saratoga. On tap: a drive through the Santa Cruz Mountains (our run leader Steve called it his “backyard”) and our Annual Meeting over lunch in Santa Cruz. Once everyone had their fill of caffeine, Simon and Steve held the drivers meeting, and shortly thereafter 26 cars set out. It was a sunny day, and we headed out onto Pierce Road. We wound our way past some beautiful homes in the Saratoga foothills, the Mountain Winery concert venue, and snuck onto Highway 9 just west of downtown Saratoga.

We drove through the trees and the twisties on Highway 9, crossing over Skyline Boulevard and down towards Big Basin State Park. Speeds were held in check by slower traffic, at least until the Big Basin junction. At that point we turned left and were able to wind things up just a bit. A hard right in Boulder Creek took us up into the backroads, and after a short but bumpy ride up Jamison Creek Road (dodging a number of single lane spots where half the road had washed out) we turned onto Empire Grade Road, which parallels a ridgeline near the sea. Empire Grade was delightfully empty until we hit Santa Cruz, and we were able to enjoy the roads. Once in Santa Cruz proper, we dodged a bit of traffic as we headed into downtown to park.

Lunch was at Woodstock’s Pizza. The club hosted the appetizers and soft-drinks, and the pizzas and salads were tasty as well. Our intrepid VP Simon gave a passionate recap of the 2018 year for NorCal Minis. He followed up by revealing the tentative runs for 2019 and then the 2019 officers. We finished lunch around 1:30, and folks scattered to explore Santa Cruz or make their way home.

Here is the link to all the photos from the Santa Cruz run!

PS To all members.. Don't forget about the October run Coalinga Highway 198 on October 13th!


Recap - Coalinga/Highway 198 Run - October 13, 2018


2018 Annual Report