3rd 3rd Thursday Events
Three. Three is an important number to NorCal MINIs since our club was established in the 3rd year of the 2000s. In honor of the three, we will be holding social meetups on the 3rd Thursdays starting at 6:30 PM in various locations around the Bay Area.
Please note that these social events will be open to both registered club members as well as to people who want to get to know us before they pay their first year of membership dues. Our monthly rally runs will continue to be available only to registered club members, so if you want to drive with us, please check out our membership forms!
We know it is impossible for some of our members who live farther out to make it in for a weeknight event, but we are hoping to set these events up to be convenient for at least a third of our members to attend each month. The third of the group attendance target on the third Thursday of the month gives us the name for these events: "3rd 3rd Thursdays."
Registration and attendance details will be posted on the NorCal MINIs Facebook group as Facebook events, and emails will be sent to registered club members. We hope to see as many of you as possible at these fun gatherings throughout the year!
If you have suggestions for places with lots of free parking, nearby restrooms and places to buy dinner, send us an email at info@norcalminis.com!

April 3rd 3rd Thursday
In April our members and their MINIs will be out at Heretic Brewery & Distillery in Fairfield. Come join us! No registration required, just show up.

March 3rd 3rd Thursday
Come meet our members and their MINIs at 47 Hills Brewing. The tap room and grill is a friendly place to meet, and the beer made on-site features one-of-a-kind recipes.

February 3rd 3rd Thursday
The Market Tavern in Dublin is the location for our February 3rd 3rd Thursday, a monthly meet-up for both members and non-members.

January 3rd 3rd Thursday
Come meet our members and their MINIs at the Walnut Creek location of Gott's Roadside

December 3rd 3rd Thursday
Join us on December 19th for an evening cruise through the holiday lights of the Willow Glen neighborhood in San Jose.

November 3rd 3rd Thursday
Our November 3rd 3rd Thursday is at DJ’s Restaurant and Taphouse in Manteca. Come out and meet our members and their MINIs!

October 3rd 3rd Thursday
Come meet our members and their MINIs at the Salinas location of Chick-Fil-A.

September 3rd 3rd Thursday
Come meet our members and their MINIs at the San Jose location of the Lazy Dog Restaurant & Bar. Self-described as a relaxed, lodge-chic chain serving global comfort fare, including stir-fries, pot roast, and pastas.

August 3rd 3rd Thursday
Come out and meet our members and their MINIs at Del Cielo Brewing Co., a Latino owned family brewery and taproom located in Downtown Martinez.

July 3rd 3rd Thursday
Come join your hosts Enoch, Merlyn (and Bloop 🚙) for our 3rd 3rd Thursday event on July 18th at Bronco Billy’s Pizza Palace.

June 3rd 3rd Thursday
Come meet our members and their MINIs at 47 Hills Brewing. The tap room and grill is a friendly place to meet, and the beer made on-site features one-of-a-kind recipes.

May 3rd 3rd Thursday
Adjacent to Library Park on the waterfront in the aptly-named town of Lakeport, Park Place Restaurant is the scene of our May 3rd 3rd Thursday event.

April 3rd 3rd Thursday
Please join us for our April 18th 3rd Thursday - open to any MINI enthusiast who wants to join for a meal and lively conversation - usually centered around MINIs. The more miniacs, the better!

March 3rd 3rd Thursday
We will meet up at Amici's East Coast Pizzeria at 226 Redwood Shores Parkway in Redwood City, so bring your appetite and your wallets if you want to grab some pizza with your MINI friends.

February 3rd 3rd Thursday
We will be returning to the scene of our very first such event in Milpitas at the McCarthy Ranch In-N-Out Burger

January 3rd 3rd Thursday
Please join our host and club Treasurer, Larry Anderson, for our first 3rd 3rd Thursday of 2024!