Recap - Annual Holiday Party & Run - December 7, 2019

Hi Everyone,

We had a fun time at the PJ & Pancakes breakfast at East Bay MINIs on December 7. 2019.  Thanks to everyone who came out and enjoyed the gathering.  December is always such a busy time, but still fun to get together and just look back over our past year.  I got to meet some new members and hangout with long time members too.

We filled the Toys for Toys box for East Bay and donated $250 to Valley Humane Society.

The rain held of for a small group of us who took the drive out to the San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge and the Migratory Bird Viewing Platform.  The road over Patterson Pass was great.  A few speed humps as we went through Livermore and out by the Lawrence Livermore Lab, but after that it was clear for the MINI following the Malibu.  HAHA.  

Amazingly, as I was packing up my car with the last supplies I used for the breakfast, the rain started pouring down. Perfect timing!  

Thanks again for coming, 

Christine & Michael Toibin

Here are the photos from the PJ & Pancake Breakfast:

Next up: January 12, 2020 - SF Peninsula - La Honda / Pescadero / Fish n chips run


Recap - Bay Area Backroads Run - January 2020


Recap - Point Reyes Stinson Beach - November 2019