Recap - Dunsmuir Railroad Park Weekend - October 21-23, 2022

Your Hosts For This Event:

Michael & Christine Toibin

Simon & Nikki Tildesley

MINIS came from all over the Bay Area to descend on the Dunsmuir Railroad Park Resort on Friday afternoon October 21st. In addition the Toibin's drove down from their home in Central Oregon for this soon to be epic event.

Potluck Friday night was a rousing success like it was in 2021. And this year no snow but a little bit of rain. But thanks to the Tildesleys, the Bennetts, the Toibins and the Lewis' we had plenty of shelter and warmth from the tents and fire pits they brought. 

As you can see from the pictures below food was a plenty as everyone who attended brought some incredible food as well as plenty of adult beverages. A perfect feast and a great time to catch up with old friends and meet many new members attending a run for the first time. A great time was had by all in typical NORCAL MINI fashion!! 

Saturday morning events didn't start too early after a late Friday night. Because of early rain we gathered at our tents for cover for our drivers meeting and our drawing for some great prizes. We then headed out for the day. The first stop was in the town of McCloud for lunch and spend some time wandering about taking pictures in this very interesting little town. We met up an hour later and after a very brief driver update meeting headed out for our next stop which was the Middle Falls along highway 89. 

From there the group headed out to McArthur-Burney Memorial State Park and Burney Falls. As parking was at a premium everyone was on their own for awhile to check out the falls, the Lake Britton and do some light hiking. 

After a full day everyone headed back to the railroad park for a bit of relaxation, a few snacks and of course a cocktail before we headed to the park restaurant for our group dinner.

We gathered at the restaurant for a wonderful meal and plenty of time to relive the events of the day with our old friends and so many new ones. Food was terrific as always! Afterwards many of us headed back to the tent area for a late night drink and continued great conversation.

And we cannot forget our FUR BABIES who had a great time as well!!

And Sunday came and everyone headed home already planning for Dunsmuir 2023. And for those interested in coming back next year, book your caboose now as many have already done so. The dates are Friday October 13th thru Sunday October 15th.

And check out the two links below for lots more pictures.


Michael And Christine Toibin

Finally, thank you so much to everyone who brought such great food to our Friday night Potluck. And of course the adult beverages as well. 

And a very special thanks again to the Bennetts, the Tildesley's and the Lewis' for all the help making this an amazing weekend.


Recap - Over the Mountains and thru the Woods Pumpkin Run - October 29th, 2022


Recap - North Monterey County Run & Annual Picnic - August 28, 2022