A Note From Rick Sherman

Greetings to all members of our wonderful club!

As the year seems to be quickly coming to an end and another annual member meeting is just around the corner, I would like to take a moment to talk about some very important changes happening within the club.

As most of you know by now, Tara and Scott will be starting a new chapter in their lives and moving to Colorado, leaving a big need for member participation in order for the club to continue on in the fashion that it has since it began in 2003. Tara has done a fantastic job of managing the inner workings of this large club, which i might add has grown into a rather large "family" as the many members have developed special bonds and friendships that can be easily recognized each and every time we all get together for our runs and functions. This is an undeniable fact that we must work together to maintain as we will all be missing Tara and her excellent leadership as she begins her new life with the love of her life Scott. They will both be missed so much by all of us!

What I am asking at this point is this: If at all possible we would like to see as many of our active, and for that fact, inactive members as possible attend the annual member's meeting next month in Monterey. Strength in numbers! 

This is your club and without your input and proactive participation, we are not able to really know what each and everyone of YOU, the members and heart of this wonderful club and family, would like to see and do in the coming year and beyond. It is your club, and every idea is important for the survival and enjoyment of what we have ALL worked hard to build together.

Many of you know me from my past association with the club as VP a few years back, but for the many new members whom I have not had the pleasure of meeting yet, I have been known to be a "wild and crazy" guy. I had to drop out of the club for a while as my family needed me due to caring for Senior parents, so with my lovely wife Carol, who was the club secretary at the same time, we did what we had to do. We joined in 2006 when we purchased our first MINI, and we instantly fell in love with the whole concept of a social club like this where we could all share our passion for these wonderful little cars. Little did we know at that time that it was really a large "family" and that we would be making those special relationships and bonding like everyone is still doing today as I mentioned earlier in this not so short note.

The long and short of it here is this, We need your help in many ways to keep the club going in it's many special ways! 


Rick Sherman aka: Past Vice President ( of the greatest little car club in Northern California )

PS: please feel free to email me about anything! 



Redding/Lassen Volcanic National Park - October 8/9, 2016


It's been a great run!