River Road/Carmel Valley Run - Sunday August 29, 2021


Your Hosts For The Event:

Mick Brown and Vickie Casacca

Date of the Event:

Sunday August 29, 2021

This run is one of our club favorites as Mick and Vickie always put together a great day. The run will start in Salinas and head west on Highway 68 to River Road and follow it south down to Arroyo Seco and around to Carmel Valley Road. There will be some twisties and there is a section that is only one lane. Once we get to Carmel Valley we will meet at the Carmel Valley Community Park at 25 Ford Road where we will group back up for some fun and games (details to come). 

That is where the run will end and you are free to either head home or have lunch. There are many places in the area to eat such as the Trailside Cafe, Cafe Rustica and Mick and Vickie's favorite local dive bar The Running Iron. There are also many wineries in the area that are open for tasting.

In addition nearby is the Moto Talbott. Motorcycle Museum on 4 East Carmel Valley Road. A wonderful collection of classics. The fee to enter is only $10.


This run is also a FUNDRAISER for the Salinas Circle for Children! A wonderful organization to help children with special needs in Monterey county. The club is donating $250.00 so bring your checkbook to the run and hopefully all of us can match it. Check out their website below.


We are going to have TWO meet up times!

Our normal meetup spot in Salinas  is the Starbucks/Lucky parking lot at 1186 South Main Street. However, on Sundays they hold a weekly Cars and Coffee meetup and show. It starts at 8 and goes until 10. So, Mick and Vickie will be there at 8am and try and save an area of our group. Should be a great way to start the day. Show off our cars and also check out the many others that show up.

Cars & Coffee Meeting Time (if you want to get here early):

8:00 am 

Regular Meeting/Departure Time:


Meet Up Location:

Starbucks/Lucky Parking Lot

1186 South Main Street

Salinas, CA 93901

Route: https://goo.gl/maps/zafDG9ppTzrM7aEt5

You must RSVP via MotorSportReg:

As of today JUNE 29th, 2021 the following protocol is in place.


The following guidelines are our best attempt to secure your safety given what is known at this time. They are by no means comprehensive, and we cannot predict every circumstance. Therefore, we are counting on you to exercise your best judgment throughout the event. Please have an awareness and understanding of the following COVID-19 safety protocols:
• NorCal MINIS asks that anyone who is at higher risk for severe illness, feeling unwell, or who has been in contact with anyone that is sick in the last two weeks to STAY HOME
• In line with State guidelines – people who are fully vaccinated may attend without a face mask. If you are not fully vaccinated – we kindly request that you maintain a face covering.
• NorCal MINIs will encourage everyone to maintain personal hygiene in regards to washing hands
• Club loaner radios will be available at the run. These will be sanitized prior to be handed and out will be sanitized again upon return.
• Any PPE you wish to use must be supplied by yourself. This includes any face coverings or hand sanitizing products
• Participants will be required to Sign Waivers Electronically
• Please be courteous with people who wish to maintain PPE and social distancing. It is their choice to do this and we cannot question their vaccine status
Anyone who continually or willfully violates these guidelines will be asked to leave by a club officer or director.
• Any participant that falls ill within 2 weeks after the event MUST contact NorCal MINIs and share a description of their symptoms, related test results and movements during the event
• NorCal MINIs will make every effort to alert affected participants privately of the situation
Ultimately, it is your responsibility to assess the risk to you and make a responsible decision on whether or not to participate. You assume all risks and agree the Club holds no liability if you or anyone in your party should develop any Covid-19 symptoms afterwards by attending a NorCal MINIs event. Participants are required to follow these guidelines; any participant may be asked to leave the event for non-compliance.

Join Today! Create your MotorSportReg Account to become a PAID Club Member, use the link below:

Instructions for joining MotorSportReg and joining NorCal MINIs can be found in the following document:  Instructions

Annual Meeting and Run For Absent Friends To Mt. Hamilton - Saturday September 25, 2021


Gold Country Run & Annual Picnic Saturday July 24, 2021